Sneak Peeks (The Sims 4)
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Binnenkort in een Sims 4 spel bij jou in de buurt! Ik heb deze gemaakt omdat ik meer kleur wil in mijn spel. Ze zijn perfect voor mijn Sim Mollie Moonbeam, en ik ga ze ook gebruiken voor mijn Berry Sim families.

Working on new custom content! This is a work-in-progress hippie end table. I'm quite pleased with it so far, but I'll need to add more swatches (some more wood versions, and a bunch of psychedelic bright versions too!)

So far I've created 32 swatches for the hippie end table! About 18 plain wooden versions, the rest has lots of bright colours and have fun prints on the table tops!
Need to do some thorough testing still.
I did find that when the camera is tilted, the prints (table top) are a tad blurry, but after searching I found out this apparently is a game mechanism issue, and not something to do with my object. It isn't really noticable with the plain wooden version ones, but the ones with prints can be a bit blurry when you look at them from the side.
It looks better in game than it does on this pic too btw.
Now trying to determine how much polygons I should drop for the lod1 and lod2. When it's all done I'll share it on SNW! 😁
In case anyone is wondering, YES, I am planning to create a whole set of hippie themed items! ❤

Someone on Twitter suggested a paint splatter swatch, for the artsy Sims! I liked that idea a lot, so I tried. Can't get it any better than this though!
I’m now at 40 swatches and I think I’m gonna refrain myself from creating any more swatches lmao!

Still working on the hippie table, though I'm giving it a rest until tonight, when I can take another look at it with my hubby. Everything is working great, except one thing. I noticed (from the beginning) a weird shadow like appearance on my end table. It's only on one side, and when I rotate the table the shadow stays, so you'd say it's a lighting issue. The other side of the table, where the lighting is different, does not have this issue.
At first I thought it had to do with the lighting on the lot I was testing it on. But when I moved the table around on the lot into different rooms, the issue remained. It also seems when I move the table outside the "stains" disappear.
I checked everything I could think of. It's not in the mesh. It's not in the bitmap/texture. It's not the bump and it's not the specular. I can't think of anything else I've missed...
If you have any ideas, feel free to let me know. I don't feel comfortable uploading my table until it's perfect. And right now I don't feel that it is. 🙁 Any tips you might have are definitely appreciated!
Over Rosana
Webmiss van SNW. Sims speler sinds 2000. Ik speel ook SimCity, Spore, MySims, en Minecraft.
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