Update 7 repareert verkeer

Nu update 6 is uitgerold, heeft Maxis update 7 aangekondigd. Deze update wordt op dit moment ontwikkeld, en brengt een waslijst aan verbeteringen aan het verkeer met zich mee. De voornaamste aanpassing is dat voertuigen hun bestemming zullen claimen voordat ze vertrekken. Hierdoor zullen ze minder snel samenklonteren. Ook verkeersopstoppingen op drukke wegen worden beter afgehandeld en voertuigen zullen sneller acceleren en afremmen, waardoor ze soepeler uit gebouwen gaan en kruisingen oversteken. De grootste zichtbare aanpassing is dat je nu ook bruggen, viaducten en tunnels kunt bouwen door met , en . de weg tijdens het bouwen te verhogen of verlagen.
De volledige Engelstalige notes zijn hieronder te lezen. Meer details staan ook in de blog post van Alexander Harkness.
- New: Brand new tool to create bridges, overpasses, and tunnels when you draw your roads.
When building your road, pressing the , key or . key will lower or raise the road accordingly creating overpasses, bridges and tunnels.
Note: Existing road layouts cannot be raised or lowered
- New: Improvements for Traffic behavior to make it smarter. This should reduce the number of lines formed by all available vehicles converging on a single spot. This affects all vehicles including Police, Fire Trucks, Moving Trucks, Garbage Trucks, Recycling Trucks, Resource Trucks, Buses, Ambulances, and Civilian vehicles going home, to work, or shopping.
- New: Tree tools – Place individual trees around your city. These tools are located at the end of the Nature Parks palette.
- Terrain: Fixes an issue some player’s see where terrain covers sections of roads while the camera is zoomed out.
- Fixed an issue where the fire animation would sometimes continue when fire was extinguished.
- Parks: Sports parks are now accepting Sims 24 hours a day.
- Airship: The number of Airship passenger trips should now be correct over multiple days.
- Vehicles: Vehicles now accelerate and decelerate faster, allowing them to leave buildings and go through intersections more efficiently.
- Freight: Freight trucks now only leave factories if they have a valid delivery destination.
- Gifting: Money gifting should be more reliable.