
DailyRadar preview The Sims Livin' Large

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donderdag, mei 18, 2000 - 23:55

DailyRadar also has a small preview from The Sims Livin' Large. Click read more below to read it on our website.

The Sims Livin' Large Preview

Have you ever wished that The Sims had was even weirder? Read on...
The Sims: Livin' Large Although only a working title, The Sims: Livin' Large places your Sims into unexpected and sometimes outrageous new situations. This is the official Expansion Pack to one of the year's most intriguing and critically acclaimed games, and it's due out this fall. We're salivating already, and we'll let the facts speak for themselves.

New situations and objects include:

  • Alien abductions
  • Roach infestations
  • A chemistry set that can create personality-alerting potions
  • Genie in a lantern
  • Fortune telling crystal ball
  • Exploding garden gnome
  • Holiday decorations

There are also five new career tracks and 50 new jobs including:

  • Musician: subway musician, piano tuner, wedding singer, lounge singer, rock star, etc.
  • Slacker: golf caddy, convenience store clerk, lifeguard, etc.
  • Paranormal: Tarot card reader, UFO investigator, etc.
  • Journalism: game reviewer (like that's a real job), weatherman, talk show host, etc.
  • Hacker: Beta tester, game designer, programmer, etc.

Finally, expect to see new architectural and decor styles such as:

  • Castle: Build the perfect creepy setting for the neighborhood mad scientist.
  • Vegas: A tacky, but not cheap, aesthetic. Clashing colors and odd decor will have you creating the ultimate bachelor pad.
  • Retro: A revival of the 50's-60's "Mod" look, upscale and chic, with dynamic lines, graceful curves, and a minimum of ornamentation

- Kevin Rice
